Census home page

Access data in several forms,including information on every one of the nation's 331 metro areas.

Our reports on trends revealed by Census 2000 may be downloaded for reproduction.

Link to many of the excellent news stories on segregation that have appeared around the country since March 2001.
Obtain information about the census data and segregation measures.
Lewis Mumford Center

The table below lists the topics that we have pursued in Census 2000, a description of each topic, and a choice of three ways to view the data for each topic (metro area, sortable list or download). You will be able to compare Census 2000 data with 1990 (and in some cases 1980) census data.

If you choose View Metro Areas, you will be asked to select the metropolitan region that you are interested in and you will be provided with data for that specific area. At the top of the page for each metro area are the names of the counties that are included, as well as the city or cities that the Census Bureau has designated as central cities. There are also links to central city and suburban data.

Much of the information is available in Sortable Lists that allow you to see how metro areas compare to one another across the nation. You can also Download the data used to prepare these web pages for your own analysis.

Topic Form of Access to Data
Segregation - whole population
description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
Segregation - children (under 18)
description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
Hispanic Groups description View Metro Areas and States Sortable Lists Download
Asian Groups description View Metro Areas and States Sortable Lists Download
School Segregation description View Metro Areas and School Districts Sortable Lists Download
Homeowners and Renters description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
The New Americans description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
State of the Cities description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
Separate and Unequal description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
Diversity in Black and White  description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
Dimensions of Segregation description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download
Occupational Change description View Metro Areas Sortable Lists Download

Topic Descriptions

Whole Population - Population data (all ages) for non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Hispanic and Asian. Includes differences in residential patterns of one racial/ethnic group in relation to another (Dissimilarity index) and the racial/ethnic composition of the tract where the average member of a particular group lives (Exposure Index). Also shown is the percentage of same-group population in the census tract where the average member of a racial/ethnic group lives (Isolation Index). back to table

Child Population - Population data, under age 18, for non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Hispanic and Asian. Includes differences in residential patterns of one racial/ethnic group in relation to another (Dissimilarity Index) and the racial/ethnic composition of the census tract where the average member of a particular group lives (Exposure Index). Also shown is the percentage of same-group population in the census tract where the average member of a racial/ethnic group lives (Isolation Index). back to table

Hispanic Population - Population data for Hispanics in relation to other racial/ethnic groups and to Hispanics of different national-origins. Also shows differences in the residential patterns of specific Hispanic national origins (Dissimilarity Index), and how segregated they are from those of other races or with different Hispanic national origins (Exposure and Isolation indices).back to table

Asian Population - Population data for Asians in relation to other racial/ethnic groups and to Asians with different national-origins, with information at the state level and for metropolitan (and city and suburban) areas.back to table

School Segregation - This will link you to a separate website devoted to issues of school segregation and educational inequality. It provides ethnic and racial composition and segregation data for elementary schools in 1970, 1990, and 2000. It offers data separately for metropolitan regions and for individual school districts. For districts, there is additional information about desegregation lawsuits since 1954.back to table

Homeowners and Renters - Data showing how homeownership varies from one racial/ethnic group to another, for metropolitan regions and for the central city and the suburbs for 1990 and 2000. Explores likelihood of homeowners vs. renters to live in neighborhoods of their own racial/ethnic group (Isolation Index) and how residential segregation among racial/ethnic groups relates to differences in homeownership rates (Dissimilarity Index). Also looks at which ethnic/racial groups are more likely to be homeowners and who lives in the better neighborhood. back to table

The New Americans - Analyses of new trends in immigrant destinations from Census 2000 for entire metro regions and their city and suburban areas. Shows the percent foreign-born broken down by those arriving in the last decade and those who immigrated earlier, as well as information on English language use. back to table

State of the Cities - A look at the economic viability of metro regions and their city and suburban zones using census data, from income levels to unemployment to educational achievement. An overall ranking of each region from best to worst metro regions (or city or suburb) based on these economic indicators is provided. Also includes measures of disparities between cities and their surrounding suburbs. back to table

Separate and Unequal - Provides data on differences in neighborhood quality (exposure indices) between non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, Hispanics and Asians based on a number of socioeconomic indicators for 1990 and 2000. Data is taken from Census Summary File 3 and provided by metro region, central city, and suburb. These pages also include links to data concerning the possible sources of neighborhood inequality - class, race or nativity - for each metro region. back to table

Diversity in Black and White - Provides data on white and black groups of diverse backgrounds (European ethnic ancestry, people from Muslim-dominant origins, and from the Afro-Caribbean and Africa). Includes counts and information on typical neighborhood characteristics based on a number of socioeconomic indicators for 1990 and 2000. Data for 2000 are taken from Census Summary File 3 and provided by metro region, central city, and suburb. back to table

Dimensions of Segregation - Income, Nativity and Race - Provides measures of segregation between households with different incomes, between immigrants and natives, as well as measures of racial segregation controlling for income or nativity. Includes data for 1990 and 2000, provided by metro region, central city, and suburb. back to table

Occupation Change - Metropolitan America, 1990-2000 - Provides 1990 Census occupation number employed converted to their equivalent Census 2000 categories for a consistently defined 2000 metropolitan region geography. For comparison, we also provide the conversion counts for metropolitan regions under their 1990 geographic definitions (as available from the Census Bureau's American FactFinder web site). Also provided are the 2000 occupation counts and the 1990 number employed in the Census 2000 occupation category "Management, Professional, and Related Occupations" using an alternative method of matching occupation titles for both censuses. back to table