American Communites Project

  On these pages you will find information for the total Asian population and for individual national-origin groups. These data include the census counts from the "Asian origin" population data (see "The Asians" report for details). Data are reported for metropolitan regions (and for their central city and suburban portions) and for the states.

The Census Bureau uses a standard set of definitions of the area included in each "metropolitan statistical area" (MSA) or "primary metropolitan statistical area" (PMSA). In most cases they include both a central city (or sometimes two or more central cities) and the ring of surrounding suburbs. At the top of the page for each metro area, we have listed the counties and the city or cities that the census has designated as central cities for this area. After viewing data for the entire metropolitan area, you may select to see information for only the central city or suburban portion. If there is more than one central city, please remember that what we report is for all these cities combined.