(Listed in reverse chronological order)
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"People of color are increasingly making the dream of suburban home ownership a reality, but 2000 US Census figures also show many communities are growing increasingly segregated" Mapping the Quiet Divide, Boston Globe, March 9, 2003 Author: Kimberly Atkins
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"The level of homeownership for all groups is lower in the city of Albany than in the county, but the rate is still twice as high for whites as it is for blacks. Almost 46 percent of non-Hispanic white city residents own their homes, while about 22 percent of African Americans do. "This suggests that the racial disparity in homeownership is much greater than it is for the nation,'' said John Logan, distinguished professor of sociology at the University at Albany, who helped the Times Union interpret the census data. " The Times Union, April 10, 2002. Author: JACQUELYN SWEARINGEN.
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" 2000, the average Hispanic household that owned a home in San Diego County lived in a neighborhood that was 30 percent Latino, while Hispanic renters typically resided in neighborhoods where 36 percent of the households were Hispanic. That's based on an analysis of census data prepared for The San Diego Union-Tribune by sociology professor John Logan of the State University of New York at Albany. " The San Diego Union-Tribune, April 7, 2002. Authors: Lori Weisberg and Leonel Sanchez.